Sudbury Working Group

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Sudbury Social Justice News - November 3, 2013

Blog posts reflect the views of their authors.

1) Monday, November 4: Meeting of Sudbury Workers' Education and
Advocacy Centre
2) Tuesday, November 5: Sudbury Cyclists Union Annual General Meeting
3) Thursday, November 7: Anti-Poverty Direct Action Workshop
4) Monday, November 11: Meeting of Sudbury Coalition Against Poverty
5) Tuesday, November 12: Trial of the S-CAP 11 - Day 3
6) Wednesday, November 13: Science Cafe -- Thinking Extinction: Should We Save All Species (And Maybe Bring Some Back?)
7) Thursday, November 14: Meeting of the Sudbury Working Group of The Media Co-op
8) Thursday, November 14: Action to Raise the Minimum Wage
9) Friday, November 22 to Sunday, November 24: Female Eye Film Festival


1) "Burning Bridges: Racism in Thunder Bay" by Damien Lee



Monday, November 4: Meeting of Sudbury Workers' Education and
Advocacy Centre

Time: 6:30pm
Location: Offices of the Sudbury and District Labour Council (Suite 209 upstairs in 109 Elm Street, which is across the street from the Native Friendship Centre)

Workers -- particularly those in part-time, low-wage, and insecure jobs -- and their supporters are invited to this meeting to continue the community discussions to found a workers' centre in Sudbury.

Workers' centres are organizations that are committed to improving the lives and working conditions of people in low-wage and unstable employment. For more than a year, people in Sudbury have been meeting to figure out how to make this happen here, and it can only succeed with lots of active participation and input from all corners of the community.

The Sudbury Workers' Education and Advocacy Centre on Facebook:


Tuesday, November 5: Sudbury Cyclists Union Annual General Meeting

Time: 7pm to 8:45pm
Location: main branch, Greater Sudbury Public Library (74 Mackenzie
Street, Sudbury)


1. SCU organization and structure
2. Planning for coming year:
- Advocacy
- Events
- Education
- Projects
- Partnerships
- Fundraising
- Public Relations
- Elections 2014

This event on Facebook:


Thursday, November 7: Anti-Poverty Direct Action Workshop

Time: 6pm
Location: Main branch, Greater Sudbury Public Library (74 Mackenzie Street, Sudbury)

Snacks will be provided! Public Library, Main Branch. In the large meeting room downstairs. This is a wheelchair accessible location.

The focus of this event, organized by the Sudbury Coalition Against Poverty, will be on what direct action is, and how we can best do direct action support work for people on OW and ODSP, and for people facing problems with their landlords or bosses.


Monday, November 11: Meeting of Sudbury Coalition Against Poverty

Time: 6:30pm to 8:30pm
Location: Offices of the Sudbury and District Labour Council (Suite 209 upstairs in 109 Elm Street, which is across the street from the Native Friendship Centre)

Matters to be discussed include our continuing direct action support work and the trial of the S-CAP 11. The venue is wheelchair accessible. Children are welcome to attend, or childcare support is available upon request.

S-CAP is a direct-action anti-poverty organization based in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. We provide direct-action support work assisting individuals in their struggles with welfare and ODSP, housing, employers, and others who deny people what they are entitled to in order to meet their needs. In addition, we mount campaigns against and support educational work about regressive government policies as they effect working people and people living in poverty. We believe in the power of people to organize themselves. We believe in the power of resistance!

La coalition contre la pauvreté de Sudbury (S-CAP) est un organisme d’action directe luttant contre la pauvreté. Elle se trouve à Sudbury en Ontario.

Le travail de la coalition se base dans l’action directe et consiste à apporter de l’aide aux individus dans leurs luttes pour l’assistance sociale, l’invalidité, le logement, l’emploi et à les aider à faire face aux gens qui leur refusent ce à quoi ils ont droit pour rencontrer leurs besoins. De plus, la coalition fait des compagnes de sensibilisation et de dénonciation par rapport aux politiques gouvernementales régressives quant à leurs effets sur les travailleurs et travailleuses et les personnes vivant dans la pauvreté.

La coalition croit au pouvoir des personnes de s’organiser elles-mêmes; elle croit au pouvoir de la résistance!

Please call us (249-878-7227)

Email us at

S-CAP on Facebook:


Tuesday, November 12: Trial of the S-CAP 11 - Day 3

Time: 9:30am
Location: Room C-11, Tom Davies Square (200 Brady Street, Sudbury)

A year ago, eleven members and supporters of the Sudbury Coalition Against Poverty were arrested while trying to deliver a message at the constituency office of Liberal MPP Rick Bartolucci in opposition to then-proposed (and now implemented) cuts and changes to a social assistance benefit meant to keep people out of homelessness and to allow women to leave abusive relationships.

The prosecution has presented their case against the S-CAP 11. Charges against four participants have been dropped. Now the defense will present its case. S-CAP is inviting people in the community to attend and show their support.


Wednesday, November 13: Science Cafe -- Thinking Extinction: Should We Save All Species (And Maybe Bring Some Back?)

Time: 7:30pm
Location: The Laughing Buddha (194 Elgin Street, Sudbury)

The current rate of species loss on our planet is alarming, but scientists and conservationists are divided about the best response to this extinction crisis.

Is it possible to save all species, and should we even try?

What is the value of a species, and what is lost in extinction?

If it is not possible to save all species, how should we make decisions about where to focus our conservation efforts?

Do we have a responsibility to conserve as many species as possible... or even bring some back?

Moderator: Dana Murchison
Staff Scientist, Science North

Free admission and snacks

In partnership with Thinking Extinction 2013.

This event on Facebook:


Thursday, November 14: Meeting of the Sudbury Working Group of The Media Co-op

Time: 10am to noon
Location: meeting room #1, downstairs, main branch of the Sudbury Public Library (74 Mackenzie Street, Sudbury)

Everyone is welcome to join us for our meeting on Thursday, October 10 from 10am to at the main branch of the Greater Sudbury Public Library. We'll be discussing a proposed new training session to offer in the community, our efforts to solicit paid journalistic content, ongoing conversations about prioritizing and promoting content, and of course brainstorming story ideas.

Also, mark future meetings on your calendar, 10am to noon on Thursday, November 14 and Thursday, December 12.

The Sudbury working group of The Media Co-op wants to support people in creating independent media in the North, to speak to our issues and outlooks on our communities as well as the world around us. Independent media provides an avenue for people who are wishing to gain critical perspective on the issues that matter most to us, and to give a voice to those people and stories that you won't find in the mainstream media.

Find our site at:

Our new callout for content, some of which we might even be able to pay for:

Contact the Sudbury Working Group to learn more about writing for us or to let us know about community issues and events at:

Find us on Facebook at:


Thursday, November 14: Action to Raise the Minimum Wage

Time: TBA
Location: TBA

Mark November 14th on your calender, we’ll be pariticipating in another action regarding raising the minimum wage. This months action is being organized by the Graduate Student Association of Laurentian University. More information to come.


Friday, November 22 to Sunday, November 24: Female Eye Film Festival

Time: Headline event starts 7pm on the Friday, for other times see below
Location: the former Rainbow Cinemas in downtown Sudbury (40 Elm Street)

BAM North Productions and the Female Eye Film Festival present a splendid Showcase of Award-Winning Films and Sudbury Filmmaker Series- all directed by WOMEN!

The action starts with a OPENING NIGHT Comedy Evening with headliner Sandra Battaglini, MC's Jessica Wilde-Peltier, and the local satire film Awaiting Atwood. Cash bar! And proceeds will go to the Sudbury Indie Cinema Downtown, a group of local residents who are exploring the feasibility of turning the former Rainbow Cinemas location into a locally owned non-profit, cooperative model to showcase films downtown as well as be a hub for other activities (

Film programming resumes Saturday and runs thru to Sunday 6pm.

Saturday Nov 23
11-12noon Networking Brunch Local Women in Film (by invitation)
12:30pm A Wake, Penelope Buitenhaus
3:00pm Nothing Special, Angela Combs
5-6:30pm Drinks and Noosh at Local Eatery
7:00pm LOCAL PREMIERE: Moose River Crossing, Shirley Cheechoo
9:30pm The Disappeared, Shandi Mitchell

Sunday Nov 24
12pm Local Girls &Young Women's Shorts
2pm Union Square, Nancy Savoca
4:30pm Amazon Falls, Katrin Bowen

This event on Facebook:



"Burning Bridges: Racism in Thunder Bay" by Damien Lee
(Originally published at Zoongde, with photos and links in the original:

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Sudbury Social Justice News (Currently maintained by Scott Neigh (formerly by Chris Dixon))
Sudbury, Ontario, Canada
Member since February 2012


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The site for the Sudbury working-group of The Media Co-op has been archived and will no longer be updated. Please visit the main Media Co-op website to learn more about the organization.



About the Sudbury Working Group

The Sudbury working-group of The Media Co-op was formed to create independent media in the North, to speak to our issues and outlooks on our communities as well as the world around us. Independent media provides an avenue for people who are wishing to gain critical perspective on the issues that matter most to us, and to give a voice to those people and stories that you won't find in the mainstream media.

The Sudbury working-group site is no longer being updated and has been archived.