Sudbury Working Group

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Sudbury just doesn't get it..

Blog posts reflect the views of their authors.

After reading through an article written by the Sudbury Star, I was struck by some of the responses by people in our community. I've decided to send in a letter to the editor; but, I'm not entirely sure whether it will get printed and I want to share this as well as I am able.

Here is the original article:


And here is my response:

It's not surprising to find dissent when it comes to parades and week long celebrations of gay pride. The resulting onslaught of the usual, "Well, why don't we have a straight pride" or "They should just keep it indoors, out of plain sight" or what may be a throw back to a cartoon we can all think of "Think of the children,  won't somebody please think of the children?". I am a gay male; however, I am not a proponent of gay pride. But, not for the reason that might first come to mind - I am not ashamed to be gay, I am out to family, friends and correct anyone that asks about 'my girlfriend' or 'wife' when I said partner. The reason I am not a proponent of gay pride events is because I truly hold value in the idea that one day, as a society, the underlying intention of pride will be made redundant. In other words, I wish we lived in a society that simply didn't need it! It is still every bit a political event than it was to Stonewall and San Francisco marches through the Castro; a bit of history many naysayers have no idea ever happened. With the utmost respect to religious beliefs and greater public decency to encourage dissenting voices, I must say, from the comments posted to the Sudbury Star's survey results, a lot of people in this community are still outright, blindly ignorant. Let's completely ignore the fact that a vast array of species outside our own also have homosexual members of their clan and also ignore the historical implications that outside of Abrahamic religious institutions and Judeo-Christian cultures, no one really pays much attention to gays in any meaningful way and that countless cultures outside of our own have come to accept homosexuality as just a fact of life. At the bare minimum, let's recognize that until teenagers in this side of the world stop turning to suicide because of the torment they face because of who they are, we will have Pride. Until a couple can walk down the street hand in hand without violent repercussions or vitriolic observations being made of what is sheathed in both of their underpants, we will have Pride. Most importantly, until our culture evolves beyond a need to classify, stratify and marginalize any person for any reason beyond their actions and the merits of their accomplishments, we will have pride; maybe indefinitely. 

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QuickFusion (Devon Palmer)
Sudbury, Ontario, Canada
Member since Janvier 2012


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About the Sudbury Working Group

The Sudbury working-group of The Media Co-op was formed to create independent media in the North, to speak to our issues and outlooks on our communities as well as the world around us. Independent media provides an avenue for people who are wishing to gain critical perspective on the issues that matter most to us, and to give a voice to those people and stories that you won't find in the mainstream media.

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