Sudbury Working Group

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Sudbury Social Justice News - July 21, 2013

Blog posts reflect the views of their authors.


1) Wednesday, July 24: Picnic in the Park & Arts Rooted Activities -- Unearthing and voicing the stories of the land
2) Thursday, July 25: National Day of Prayer: #HonourTheApology
3) Monday, July 29: Meeting of Sudbury Coalition Against Poverty
4) Tuesday, August 6: General Meeting of Sudbury Cyclists Union


1) "Outraged by the Trayvon Martin case? Here are eight ways to take action" by El Jones
2) "The History of Pride: A Talk at Sudbury Pride by Laurel O'Gorman" by Scott Neigh


Wednesday, July 24: Picnic in the Park & Arts Rooted Activities -- Unearthing and voicing the stories of the land

Time: 5pm to 7:30pm
Location: Bell Park, Sudbury

Session 2: Unearthing and voicing the stories of the land.

Meet in Bell Park near the playground.

5 pm gathering and feasting, 6 pm art activities begin.

Childcare provided.

Picnic in the park & Arts-rooted activities:

This session we will focus on creative writing and movement as we unearth and voice the stories that we find present within the land.

Please bring a dish & wear loose clothing, ALL are welcome

For further information please contact:
Karyn Recollet:
Sarah King:

RAIN DATE: Thursday July 25th, same time, same place.


This event is part of a multi-phased community dialogue through an place-making project

Goals of the project:

-To create a dialogue and raise awareness about our relationships to place
-To root this dialogue within the community and the collective
-To use multidisciplinary arts-rooted practice defined by the community to enhance and nurture our relationships towards each other and towards place.
-To actively create our own participation in the Idle No More Sovereignty Summer – this participation will be defined by our community

This event on Facebook:


Thursday, July 25: National Day of Prayer: #HonourTheApology

Time: noon to 1pm
Location: Tom Davies Square (200 Brady Street, Sudbury)

In 2008 Stephen Harper aologized to First Nations people for what happened to them in Residential schools. However, the governments of what is known as canada, as a whole, are not living up to the apology. The Federal government of the Canadian nation-state is withholding documents which serve as evidence for the survivor's of these schools in their court cases against the government itself. This is clearly unacceptable.

It is also clear that the current legal, political, and bureaucratic systems intended to give some sense of justice to survivor's and their families' are ineffective. The fact that so many survivors are now elder's should create a sense of urgency for those who want to ensure these survivor's do not continue to be victimized by being denied access to the files being withheld.

This day of national prayer and action is an opportunity for people to honour the victims, survivor's, and their families' by bringing attention to the attempted suppression of Residential School documents by the Federal Government.

#HonourTheApolgy and release the douments!

Fruit and water will be served and the march route will be announced by Tuesday, however, the march will be very short in duration (12:150-12:40) to accomodate those who want to join on their lunch hour.

This event on Facebook:


Monday, July 29: Meeting of Sudbury Coalition Against Poverty

Time: 6:30pm
Location: Offices of the Sudbury and District Labour Council (Suite 209
upstairs in 109 Elm Street, which is across the street from the Native
Friendship Centre)

Matters to be discussed include where we are at in the struggle to get
OW and the City to maintain CSUMB policies and rates for CHPI and
associated discretionary funds. We will also be discussing our
continuing direct action support work; a summer province-wide raise the
rates meeting and our summer and fall plans. The venue is wheelchair
accessible. Children are welcome to attend, or childcare support is
available upon request.

S-CAP is a direct-action anti-poverty organization based in Sudbury,
Ontario, Canada. We provide direct-action support work assisting
individuals in their struggles with welfare and ODSP, housing,
employers, and others who deny people what they are entitled to in order
to meet their needs. In addition, we mount campaigns against and support
educational work about regressive government policies as they effect
working people and people living in poverty. We believe in the power of
people to organize themselves. We believe in the power of resistance!

La coalition contre la pauvreté de Sudbury (S-CAP) est un organisme
d’action directe luttant contre la pauvreté. Elle se trouve à Sudbury en

Le travail de la coalition se base dans l’action directe et consiste à
apporter de l’aide aux individus dans leurs luttes pour l’assistance
sociale, l’invalidité, le logement, l’emploi et à les aider à faire face
aux gens qui leur refusent ce à quoi ils ont droit pour rencontrer leurs
besoins. De plus, la coalition fait des compagnes de sensibilisation et
de dénonciation par rapport aux politiques gouvernementales régressives
quant à leurs effets sur les travailleurs et travailleuses et les
personnes vivant dans la pauvreté.

La coalition croit au pouvoir des personnes de s’organiser elles-mêmes;
elle croit au pouvoir de la résistance!

S-CAP on Facebook:


Tuesday, August 6: General Meeting of Sudbury Cyclists Union

Time: 7pm to 9pm
Location: TBA

Agenda TBA.



"Outraged by the Trayvon Martin case? Here are eight ways to take action"
by El Jones
(Taken from The Halifax Media Co-op:


"The History of Pride: A Talk at Sudbury Pride by Laurel O'Gorman"
by Scott Neigh
(Taken from the Sudbury working-group of The Media Co-op:

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Has posted 163 times.
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Sudbury Social Justice News (Currently maintained by Scott Neigh (formerly by Chris Dixon))
Sudbury, Ontario, Canada
Member since Février 2012


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The site for the Sudbury working-group of The Media Co-op has been archived and will no longer be updated. Please visit the main Media Co-op website to learn more about the organization.



About the Sudbury Working Group

The Sudbury working-group of The Media Co-op was formed to create independent media in the North, to speak to our issues and outlooks on our communities as well as the world around us. Independent media provides an avenue for people who are wishing to gain critical perspective on the issues that matter most to us, and to give a voice to those people and stories that you won't find in the mainstream media.

The Sudbury working-group site is no longer being updated and has been archived.